Welcome to The Button Post by Pure Buttons! (Page 151 of 153)! A blog where we discuss all things related to custom pin-back buttons and other custom promotional products that Pure Buttons offers. Stick around for coupons to score cheap pinback buttons, new button product announcements and more!
11:11 a.m is a charity that PureButtons has sponsored for a few years now. Every year Purebuttons will donate a large batch of buttons for 11:11 a.m. to give out during the entire warped tour. They are a rapidly growing charity and they have a very big approach. All of their profits go towards the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation (https://pcrf-kids.org). Check out their website, make a donation and look out for them during Warped Tour!
The packs shown above are being sold for $1.00 at the 11:11 a.m. Warped Tour tent. All proceeds will be benefiting the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation.
Last Modified: June 19th, 2008
I just thought I’d showcase some of our recent button packaging orders. So far the response has been great, keep up the unique designs! Stay tuned for actual photos. For more information about our custom button packaging check out our button packaging page.
Last Modified: June 18th, 2008
Below you’ll see a sneak peak of our new Zipper Pull Buttons designed by Alphabet Arm. Looking for something unique to bring to your merch area? These are it! These hot items are only going for $2.50 for all 6, what a steal! Buy your own Zipper Pulls today at PureButtons.com
Last Modified: June 17th, 2008
I’ve known Jeff for about 2 years now. I met Jeff through my friends over at Jakprints. GoMedia was currently designing some of Jakprints promotional material. After one glance I was hooked! I immediately started to ponder up promotional ideas for PureButtons. As my brain was racing with ideas I decided to contact GoMedia. Within a few hours I had a response from Jeff Finley. Since this point on I’ve sent Jeff numerous design projects.
You can check Jeff out here:
gomedia.com / jefffinley.org / arsenal.gomedia.us
Here is my interview with Jeff Finley
How long have you been with GoMedia and is it true you are part owner?
I freelanced with Go Media in 2005 on a couple projects, but I didn’t start full time until January 2006. And yes, I’m one of three owners.
How long have you been with GoMedia and is it true you are part owner?
I freelanced with Go Media in 2005 on a couple projects, but I didn’t start full time until January 2006. And yes, I’m one of three owners.
Where did you go to school?
I went to The Art Institute of Pittsburgh.
How did the idea of the GoMedia Arsenal come about? I see it’s really taking off.
We had always tossed around the idea of selling stock artwork. One of our designers Dave decided to make it happen. He basically started the project officially and we all worked as a team to create it. We planned to release 1 set of 7 different themed packs and see what would happen. The first day we sold 10 packs! We saw that the market was there, so we just kept it up!
Have you encountered people “stealing” your work and passing it off as their own?
All the time. Especially with the Arsenal. Some people are even selling Arsenal stuff illegally on legitimate stock photo websites. We can’t believe what people will do sometimes. It’s a chore to keep up with it all. It’s not as common for someone to steal our actual commissioned artwork, but it does happen.
Do you find it flattering?
At first yeah, but after awhile it gets really irritating.
Who are some other artists you look up to?
When I first got started, I was inspired by Derek Hess, Rob Dobi, and Angryblue. Those three are still going strong today. My current inspirations are Horsebites, John Dyer Baizley, Dan Mumford, Florian Bertmer, and Aaron Horkey.
What would your thoughts be for designing buttons? Any tips?
Well, since they’re fairly small, they’ve gotta be readable from a distance. You can’t really get a whole lot of detail in there, so it’s important to keep that in mind. Make sure you always use the templates! That saves the manufacturer a lot of time!
What has been your favorite piece of artwork you’ve ever designed?
It changes all the time. I’m usually in love with my most recent piece. However, I’m still really fond of the shirt I did for Paint the Stars.
What motivates you to come up with new exciting designs?
A number of things. One is to continue to impress myself, my clients, and my fans. I put pressure on myself to get better all the time. Two, the idea that the work I do can potentially be seen by lots of people. And for three, the possibility of getting more work as a result. All of that keeps me inspired to create exciting work.
Any words of encouragement for new and upcoming designers?
Don’t get discouraged and keep practicing. It will take years to develop a style that you can call your own. Take it one client at a time and always try to do your best work. Continue to exapand your skillset and learn some web skills. In order to stand out, you have to either a) do one thing better than everyone else, or b) do something different than everyone else. And don’t undersell yourself. Don’t let clients take advantage of you. And Google is your friend, if you don’t know how to do something, just look it up. Be a self starter, don’t wait for people to hand you things. Go out and get it.Be sure to check out GoMedia
Thanks Jeff for your time!
Last Modified: April 19th, 2023
Fist off, our turnaround time does NOT include shipping times. However, most of our orders are shipped within 5 business days. If for some reason you ordered buttons and your order hasn’t been marked as “shipped” in your PureButtons account, please don’t hesitate to email us or give us a call at (800) 710-2030.
Please do remember that our Turnaround Page is in business days (Mon – Fri). I think that’s where the confusion lies, but I hope this helps! We look forward to your order!
Last Modified: June 16th, 2008