Welcome to The Button Post by Pure Buttons! (Page 122 of 153)! A blog where we discuss all things related to custom pin-back buttons and other custom promotional products that Pure Buttons offers. Stick around for coupons to score cheap pinback buttons, new button product announcements and more!
“I just received my custom buttons that I ordered in the mail today and they are wonderful! I ordered two different groups to use as wedding party favors and I just wanted to say that I am very pleased with the quality of the buttons and especially the quality of the customer service that I received from Joe H. when I was having a bit of trouble! Thank you so much for everything!”
– Jocelyn
Last Modified: June 30th, 2010
We’ve been expanding here at PureButtons! Our pre-press room is now double the size and we keep growing. Stay tuned for more pictures of the shop updates. (full photos will be up soon).
Whether you need 50 custom buttons or 500,000 custom buttons we can handle it!
Last Modified: March 11th, 2010
Over the course of the past month all of us at PureButtons have been busy!!! Finishing our year end returns, expanding our production facility, launching a custom stickers company (StandOut Stickers) and just doing what we do best… “pumping” out beautiful custom buttons!! We’ve even been on National Television!!
Over the next few weeks you’ll seeing some great new blog posts. Including the much anticipated “photo gallery” of our new production room and much much more!
I do apologize for the lack of updates about our custom stickers and custom buttons. We haven’t gone anywhere we’ve just been busy.
Also, thanks everyone for a great ’09!!
Last Modified: January 25th, 2010
Another great email testimonial from one of our recent customers! Read below.
“Hey Jeff,
I wanted to thank you and your team for the custom buttons. I received them in the mail recently, and I absolutely love the quality! Since they were special order, I was absolutely pleased with quick responses to my many questions and concerns. I definitely am excited to order my next batch with you guys again, and hopefully also have you produce custom stickers for me too.
Thank you so much for everything!”
April W.
Last Modified: December 21st, 2009
“What a nice holiday card you sent out! You are such “Feel Good” people! Everybody LOVES the buttons you made for us. Happy Holidays to you all!”
Wishing you a very prosperous 2010
Eliot Camaren
Ready, Set, Go…
Thanks Eliot, for the kind words!! Glad you enjoyed the card! We look forward to working with you in ’10.
– Jeff
Last Modified: December 21st, 2009