Welcome to The Button Post by Pure Buttons! (Page 82 of 153)! A blog where we discuss all things related to custom pin-back buttons and other custom promotional products that Pure Buttons offers. Stick around for coupons to score cheap pinback buttons, new button product announcements and more!
Many of the vendors we work with request specific needs and if they are not met orders can be refused. Some of the needs requested are:
UPC Labeling (also known as ticketing)
Bagging in specific quantities
Specific labeling instructions for shipping and it even goes as far as a particular color of tape used to seal the cartons (boxes).
PureButtons works with major vendors. We are compliant with the following vendors: PacSun, Hot Topic & Tween Brands.
Last Modified: December 14th, 2014
We are now offering Button Packaging in a (5) up configuration. However, this is only available for 1″ Round Buttons and 1.25″ Round Buttons only. For the time being. We’ve noticed the demand for button packaging getting larger so, we’ve made the choice to keep expanding our stock packaging line. Helping you keep your project costs down.
Last Modified: December 14th, 2014
Julie from SolarWinds sent us feedback from Cisco Live, along with a few pictures from the event.
“I wanted to let you know that all of the buttons arrived at Cisco Live and they were a huge hit with our booth visitors! Thanks so much for making it happen on a short timeline.
Thanks again!”
Last Modified: December 14th, 2014
“THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! The buttons look great, and we got them so fast. We really appreciate your great work and customer service.
Thank you very much!! Have a great week!! You have made mine!!”
Last Modified: December 14th, 2014
“I just wanted to drop a line and say how extremely happy I am with my order through PureButtons.com. I made a custom design for my family Roast and had some 2.5″ Buttons made. I sent the design and submitted my order on a Friday, and received them in my hand on the following Saturday.”
Last Modified: December 14th, 2014