Welcome to The Button Post by Pure Buttons! (Page 121 of 153)! A blog where we discuss all things related to custom pin-back buttons and other custom promotional products that Pure Buttons offers. Stick around for coupons to score cheap pinback buttons, new button product announcements and more!
As we continue to crank out orders, we recently received a request for our largest buttons yet–6″!! Pressed for PlayAway, these 6″ buttons were part of a larger 1.25″ round custom buttons order. Kurt from PlayAway recently sent over some pictures from their event and some kind words!
“Attached is a photo of our booth, contest winners and some of our team. We had 14 of our distribution partners outfitted with bowls of buttons. You visit their booth and get a pin. If our prize team spotted you on the floor, you were eligible to win a $1,000 Playaway collection. Apparently our contest was the buzz of the show.
Great stuff.”
Thanks for the feedback, Kurt! Glad we could help!
Last Modified: September 9th, 2010
We’ve been doing a lot of fulfillment orders for our button packaging jobs. Below you’ll see a few photos highlighting some of the services we are currently working on.
We completed 4 x 1.5″ Round Custom Button Packs with a customer header bag and included price tickets on all of the button packs. We also went ahead and bagged a group of (6) button packs and labeled each pack. After we did that we then needed to box a certain number of packs per box and put labels in specific locations.
View the photos below to see the steps.
Bagging button packs in groups of (6) then labeling each grouped bag.
Price ticketing button packs after bagging them. Getting them ready for retail.
Boxing button packs to customers requirements.
These are just a few things we can do for you and your company to help make your lives easier. If you are looking for something completely custom please let us know.
Last Modified: September 7th, 2010
Adam from 11:11 A.M. sent over a picture of their informational postcard with our logo on it. 11:11 A.M. is a noteworthy charity that raises awareness and money for pediatric cancer research, and we are more than happy to work with them! Thanks for the photo, Adam!
Last Modified: August 3rd, 2010
After shipping out an custom button order to UCLA, we received a very generous thank you letter from the University’s Assistant Event Manager. Apparently this year’s UCLA Alumni Day event and our buttons were a hit!
“Dear PureButtons Staff,
I want to thank you for your contribution to this year’s UCLA Alumni Day event. The event was a great success! The buttons you created for us contributed to the festive atmosphere. Your ability to work with our deadlines and tight turnaround times really contributed to a smooth event. The whole team was so responsive to UCLA’s needs; we really appreciate the hard work.”
Thanks for the feedback!
Last Modified: July 14th, 2010
“I received my order of custom buttons today, and I am thrilled with them! They look great and the quality is outstanding!
Thanks so much for a job well done! ”
Last Modified: June 30th, 2010