Welcome to The Button Post by Pure Buttons! (Page 152 of 153)! A blog where we discuss all things related to custom pin-back buttons and other custom promotional products that Pure Buttons offers. Stick around for coupons to score cheap pinback buttons, new button product announcements and more!
PureButtons has created a Flickr account! We are now posting photos that our customers have taken for us on our Flickr page. This is open to everyone! Please send us over photos of your buttons in use. Give us something unique and we’ll post it! This gallery will be growing quickly so please take advantage of it. We’d love for everyone to see your recent custom button order from PureButtons!
Please just send an email to Info@purebuttons.com with your order number and a photo or two of your buttons in use.
Please note: Offensive material will not be posted. Please keep button artwork and photos clean.
Last Modified: June 16th, 2008
Benefits to button packaging
Why should I spend a little extra money for packaging? The answers are simple!
– Enhances Button Value
– Increases Sales
– Is Retail Ready!
Sell More Buttons with our custom button packaging. (fact) Our customers tell us that button packs sell more successfully at a greater return then loose buttons.
What exactly is this button packaging? (please view the photo below with a few examples)
We are now allowing our customers to create a button design then have them assembled onto a backer card. As you can see in the photo above this really allows your products to stand out over the competition! Through the past couple of years we’ve received an overwhelming request for this. We hope you enjoy this! The idea behind this is to give your customers / clients more then just a button(s). This gives the button(s) a higher value there for increasing sales and appealing to a greater audience. Our packaging is only available for 1.25 inch and 1.5 inch buttons. You also have the option to package these in four packs, 2 packs or single packs. To place an order or for more information please visit our custom button packaging page
Last Modified: June 16th, 2008
All of our products are made here in Ohio, USA.
We are a company that puts the customer first! We recycle all of our unused paper and all of the lighting in our shop uses energy saving bulbs. We also have a more innovative and productive facility to help us produce more buttons with less electricity and time. We try hard to save the environment while pleasing all of our customers! We make do with our small 3,000 square foot shop and use every inch of it efficiently. We believe firmly in un-wasted material and work with suppliers who can help us achieve this. PureButtons looks forward to working with you on your next promotional project.
Last Modified: June 16th, 2008
PureButtons would highly recommend digital proofs to anyone who is placing an order through us. We know that most people find it unnecessary, but when your spending hard earned money on buttons, you want to make sure they are going to look great. A digital proof will show you exactly what your button will look like before it goes to print and you will have to give us the okay before we process the rest of the order. We use this to insure quality and that you will be satisfied 100% with our product(s) when it reaches your door. Some people might feel that it is a waste of money, but it really just ensures you are getting exactly what you want.
Last Modified: June 16th, 2008
How long have you been designing?
I started making art (if you can call it that) on the computer (MS Paint) in jr. high school. So I was around 11? 12? When high school started I discovered photoshop and started making really bad graphics while learning the program. I learned some techniques and got into web design soon after. I had my own website for about 3 years of high school and ever since. About 1 year after graduating high school, I developed PaleBird. I got my first PaleBird job in May 2003. I’ve been doing palebird full time for about 2 years now, ever since I graduated from college in december 2006.
You have an interesting company name. How did you come up with it?
You know, I came up with the name while sitting at mediatemple’s signup page. It came to me fairly quickly, I liked it and I still do. I don’t see myself getting tired of it or wanting to change it. Thats probably the only aspect of my company that will never change.
Where did you go to school?
I have a degree in graphic design (BFA) from Western Illinois University. It was pretty nice since they allowed me to turn in client work for grades. It allowed me to build my business while I was still in school. Toward the end of my college career it was hard for me not to just drop out and take palebird full time, but I was able to get enough grants to actually make going to school profitable so it didn’t make sense to quit.
What motivates you to come up with new exciting designs?
I usually get some sort of theme from the client. If the client doesn’t have a theme, I pitch them some concepts and they pick one. My ideas usually develop as I work on a project. I definitely don’t have everything written down before I dive in because you never know how things will start looking.
What do you enjoying designing more? For the web, print or logo design?
Print work is more rewarding, but it takes much longer than web work. I would love to do work for a movie, dvd/bluray cases, etc but the opportunity hasn’t presented itself yet.
What would your thoughts be for designing buttons? Any tips?
Try to keep your text big and your colors bright. Those suckers are small!
What has been your favorite piece of artwork that you designed?
I think my favorite piece I’ve done, to this day, is LoveHateHero – Just Breathe. The printing turned out great and the whole thing still feels good to me. That being said, I have something wrong with just about everything i’ve done up until now. I’m usually sick of a project pretty soon after I’ve completed it. Maybe because I stare at it for so long while working on it?
Who are some of your favorite designers?
Some of my biggest influences are the artists Shepard Fairey obeygiant.com
Aaron Horkey burlesquedesign.com
Another artist I really like is Dave Kinsey dkinsey.com.
Lately I have really been in awe of T. Hanuka thanuka.com.
What are your favorite websites?
What music are you into these days?
NIN – The Slip / Year Zero, Saul Williams – Niggy Tardust, Lil Wayne – Tha Carter III, Misery Signals – Controller.
What have you been watching lately?
FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS (over and over), Rambo, Tim & Eric Awesome Show Great Job!
Looking forward to Wall-E, & Batman
Any words of encouragement for new and upcoming designers?
Do what makes you happy.
Be sure to take a look at PaleBird
Thanks Evan For your time!
Last Modified: June 16th, 2008