Welcome to The Button Post by Pure Buttons! (Page 110 of 153)! A blog where we discuss all things related to custom pin-back buttons and other custom promotional products that Pure Buttons offers. Stick around for coupons to score cheap pinback buttons, new button product announcements and more!
We we’re extremely busy here on Friday and were unable to post last weeks button of the week. However, we are posting it today. This weeks button of the week was an order of 2.25″ buttons we made for Student Health Services at The Ohio State University. We thought they came out beautifully and decided to select them as this weeks button of the week!
Just a nice shot of their buttons pinned to a chair in our office.
Same shot as the prior picture, just with two buttons :).
This weeks button of the week!
Last Modified: August 1st, 2011
We are just finishing up an order of custom 1.25″ buttons for Bulumu Granola. Bulumu Granola is based out of Boulder, CO and was founded by a group of passionate outdoor athletes. If you’re a fan of granola, be sure to check out Bulumu’s products. They look delicious!
An aerial view of their buttons collecting in a bin.
A close up shot of Bulumu Granola’s buttons.
Bulumu’s finished product along with our button mascot!
Last Modified: July 28th, 2011
We just finished pressing an order of 1.25″ buttons for our friends at ILoveAntix.com. If you have not heard of them, they are a t-shirt company based out of Los Angeles, CA. Please take a moment to check them out. If you enjoy their buttons, you’re bound to love their t-shirts!
We decided to take these smokin’ hot buttons outside for a few photos.
I Love Antix custom buttons!
From another angle.
A shot with just their yellow background buttons.
A shot with just their white background buttons.
Last Modified: July 27th, 2011
We recently completed an order of custom buttons for the comic Texas Toast Adventures and we figured we would have some fun with them today. We were having toast for breakfast and felt it would be suiting to snap a couple of photos of these buttons with our breakfast.
Who’s hungry?
What are you having for breakfast?
Last Modified: July 26th, 2011
We just finished up an order of custom 1.25″ buttons and we were able to get a few photos of them before they shipped. Check ’em out below!
AHHHHHH! :angry face:
oOoOoOo! :surprised face:
Last Modified: July 25th, 2011