Welcome to The Button Post by Pure Buttons! (Page 50 of 153)! A blog where we discuss all things related to custom pin-back buttons and other custom promotional products that Pure Buttons offers. Stick around for coupons to score cheap pinback buttons, new button product announcements and more!
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Last Modified: September 10th, 2018
From our Playlist of PureButtons Customizer Tool Tutorials, a quick video that shows you how to manage layers. You can drag and drop the order of layers, lock them to prevent editing, or delete layers in he Layers management panel.
When you use our easy customizer tool, you get a free instant digital proof before checkout! Designing customized products has never been easier. See our other video tutorials for more tips!
Design custom products with our free and easy customizer tool!
Last Modified: September 7th, 2018
From our Playlist of PureButtons Customizer Tool Tutorials, a quick video that shows you the preferred swatches feature and the other options for how to edit colors in the tool. Other methods of setting a color is the color picker, the eyedropper tool, and a field for color hex codes.
When you use our easy customizer tool, you get a free instant digital proof before checkout! Designing customized products has never been easier.
See our other video tutorials for more tips!
Design custom products with our free and easy customizer tool!
Last Modified: August 31st, 2018
From our Playlist of PureButtons Customizer Tool Tutorials, an short video that shows you how to use the eyedropper tool to choose colors out of the images on your custom product design. When you use our easy customizer tool, you get a free instant digital proof before checkout! Designing customized products has never been easier.
See our other video tutorials for more tips!
Design custom products with our free and easy customizer tool!
Last Modified: August 24th, 2018
From our Playlist of PureButtons Customizer Tool Tutorials, an short video that shows you how to change the background color on your custom product design. When you use our easy customizer tool, you get a free instant digital proof before checkout! Designing customized products has never been easier.
See our other video tutorials for more tips!
Design custom products with our free and easy customizer tool!
Last Modified: August 24th, 2018