Welcome to The Button Post by Pure Buttons! (Page 139 of 153)! A blog where we discuss all things related to custom pin-back buttons and other custom promotional products that Pure Buttons offers. Stick around for coupons to score cheap pinback buttons, new button product announcements and more!
This campaign is already the most historic campaign ever. We will either have our first African American president in Barack Obama, or the first woman Vice President in Sarah Palin. Being such a historic election, political memorabilia collectors are out in search of political memorabilia and novelty buttons that will have a high worth. At the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado, there was plenty of street vendors with political memorabilia.
Political memorabilia that collectors are most attracted to are state-specific buttons, or buttons from special interest groups. Due to their limited quantity, these button are most desired. At the Democratic National Convention (DNC), political campaign buttons featuring Obama alone, buttons featuring Denver the home of the DNC, and slogans from silly to serious were among the most popular for collectors. With the Republican National Convention around the corner, campaign buttons featuring John McCain, Sarah Palin, or both of them have become very popular. The key to buttons that will have high value for political memorabilia is buttons that are in limited quantity.
If you are running your own campaign and would like to design campaign buttons, we have a gallery of free designs that you can customize to make your own. Edit text, colors and add photos or logos to these professionally designed layouts. In minutes you’ll have a beautiful campaign button design and a free instant digital proof to approve before ordering!
Last Modified: September 2nd, 2008
At an art festival in St. Joseph called Trails West!, which features arts from around the St. Joseph area, they sell buttons to help raise money for the local arts. This year they are expecting to sell close to 15,000 art buttons, up from 10,000 the year previous. We also have noticed an increase in orders from graphic designers and artists. From our discussions with some of these artists and designers, they are selling a lot of them. They told us the key to selling a lot of art buttons is first and foremost, creativity.
Be creative with the button or art button packaging. And the other is visibility. People and fans need to know you’re selling buttons, and they also need to know where to find them. We will post some examples of some good art buttons in a latter post.
Last Modified: September 2nd, 2008
In the news, Air Canada management and the union for aircraft mechanics, grounds crews, and baggage handlers banned a button the employees were wearing from public view. The bright red union button is very pro-strike saying “Prepare to walk the line in ’09”. With a catchy slogan and being big and bright red, it grabbed a lot of attention from customers. The customers concerned that Air Canada’s operations might stop if the union goes on strike, started asking questions. Which could turn to customers not flying with Air Canada, just because of the union buttons threatening a strike.
Time will tell if this will help the Union settle their disputes. Buttons are a very powerful tool to unions. Around Cleveland, Ohio, their were many times that teachers’ union contracts were up for renewal. However, the union does not ever want to strike, because that would only hurt the children’s education. So, instead they would wear buttons to school and all school activities. It did not take long before concerned parents began flocking to the school board meetings completely on the teachers side, and urging them to settle with the union if they wanted to keep their jobs. All because they continued to do the right thing and work, just wore a button to let everyone know they hadn’t had a raise in 6 years.
Last Modified: September 2nd, 2008
Last Modified: August 14th, 2008
Here is one of the recent PAX Button Trading game buttons. For more information about PAX view our previous post about PAX. I will be taking more photos so everyone can see them.
Last Modified: August 13th, 2008