Welcome to The Button Post by Pure Buttons! (Page 131 of 153)! A blog where we discuss all things related to custom pin-back buttons and other custom promotional products that Pure Buttons offers. Stick around for coupons to score cheap pinback buttons, new button product announcements and more!
With orders coming in faster than we can say “PureButtons”. I felt that there was finally a need to start ordering all of our supplies and blank button parts in MASSIVE bulk, with that comes a new toy!!! We now order our blank button parts by the HUNDREDs of THOUSANDS (per size). Meet the newest member of the PureButtons team. (see photo below). We now are receiving two pallets of blank button parts in per week and with that, we’re able to re-use 40+ boxes per week. Just another step in helping PureButtons become a Green Company.
Last Modified: September 1st, 2009
We finally did it! We now have our very own Custom Printed PureButtons tape. Every order that ships out of our shipping department is now equipped with our new tape and a bright orange 4″ Round PureButtons Sticker. We hope you enjoy. Be sure to check inside the box for any additional goodies. Every order that gets shipped out has something extra in it.
Last Modified: September 1st, 2009
Just wanted to let you know that my buttons arrived today and they look absolutely fantastic! Much better than I expected. Awesome work! Thanks so much.
Matt A.
Last Modified: September 1st, 2009
Back in May, “a rare button sold for $15,100 on ebay. The button is from the 1920 United States presidential election. It features a picture of the Democratic nominee for President Governor James Cox of Ohio and the Vic Presidential candidate Franklin D Roosevelt.
The seller described the button as the “holy grail of political buttons”. The auction had 18 bids. The seller had little knowledge of the actual value of the button until it was listed. The seller even threatened to cancel the auction if a higher bid wasn’t reached.” Quoted from: The Button Blogger
Last Modified: August 30th, 2009
Here are a few great examples of how to get the most effective use out of your promotional buttons. You’ll notice that the buttons pictured below have a great appeal to them. The designs are great and the copy is short. When designing your buttons always remember that “less is more”. Especially when you are using these for promotional use. You want to have your customers come to you and ask you about the promotion you are currently running.
Last Modified: August 30th, 2009