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Rounded Rectangle Magnets, Buttons and More! Cover Image

We are pleased to announce new products have been added to our lineup of custom magnets, custom buttons, clothing magnets and custom bulldog clip buttons!

Introducing: rounded rectangles! These large rectangular promotional products come in one size (for now) measuring at 2.5″x3.5″. They can be oriented either horizontally or vertically when customizing online. This size is one of our most popular custom fridge magnet sizes and this new rounded corner shape will definitely get attention!

Rounded Rectangle Magnets

As with the rest of our products, we make these easy to personalize! To get started, you can download the template to create artwork in a program like Photoshop or Illustrator, or you can just design online in our easy tool.

There is no minimum – order just one piece to try this new shape out before you buy in bulk for our excellent volume discounts. Standard production time is just 1-3 business days with rush upgrades available to guarantee a delivery date.

As our menu of products grows, we now offer 20 custom button and fridge magnet sizes. More than anywhere else!

Take a look at the sample photos below to see how gorgeous this rounded rectangle product truly is.

2.5″x3.5″ Rounded Rectangle Fridge Magnets are likely to be one of the top selling souvenir magnet styles we offer. Currently, our straight corner fridge magnets of this size are quite popular, and this rounded shape grabs even more attention!

Give the rounded corner magnets a try and see how they compare to their standard counterparts.

Next, we have the 2.5″x3.5″ Rounded Rectangle Buttons which look fantastic. This large size is easy to read but the rounded corners make it more comfortable to wear than the pointy straight corner rectangle badge shape. Rounded rectangle buttons would make excellent custom name tags or membership badges.

2.5"x3.5" Rounded Rectangle Buttons

Similar to our pin-back buttons but using the power of strong neodymium magnets, our 2.5″x3.5″ Rounded Rectangle Clothing Magnets have the same benefits of comfort and eye-catching looks but do not require pinning anything through clothing which a lot of people think is awesome. Excellent for convention name tags or reusable id badges.

2.5"x3.5" Rounded Rectangle Clothing Magnets

And last (but certainly not least!) are our 2.5″x3.5″ Rounded Rectangle Bulldog Clip Buttons. These clip-on buttons use a swiveling bulldog clip instead of a pin. They can hang on to shirts, lanyards and more with a simple clipping action. Again, these would make excellent backstage passes or reusable name tags or custom id tags.

2.5"x3.5" Rounded Rectangle Bulldog Clip Buttons

For now these rounded rectangles are not available in our Soft Touch Matte finish but are available in our stunning Original Gloss, Rainbow Gloss and Metallic finishes.

As customers order these rounded rectangles we will be sure to post sample photos so you can see how they are being used. Why don’t you give them a try and maybe we’ll feature your design here?

Stay turned for more updates about rounded rectangles including the addition of even more sizes.

Last Modified: June 14th, 2024

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