Custom Buttons from $4.99 Free Shipping Code: FREESHIP (Cont. USA Over $35) Production Time: 1-3 Business Days (Plus Ship Time)

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Our new business cards!

Thanks to our friends over at JakPrints we were able to get our new business cards quick! The cards turned out great. We’ll be including a few in every order along with some other random promotional items.

Last Modified: May 18th, 2009

Our newest shop employee.

We now have two australian shepherd pups that roam our office on a daily basis. Be careful when you come to pick up  your order these dogs will lick you to death!

Last Modified: May 18th, 2009

PAX ’08 button trading game is a Huge Success!

PAX ’08 is over, and we appreciate the opportunity to supply the buttons for all you buttoneers.  From the emails and messages we have been receiving, the button trading game was larger than anyone had anticipated, with about 175 different button designs. Some of the amazing button designs are on the penny-arcade forum.  They also took these buttons and made this display case:

PAX '08 Button Case

And a group shot of all the buttoneers:

PAX '08 Buttoneers group shot

And before we leave you with the video of the presentation of the button case, we would like to once again that all of you for allowing us to be apart of this event.  And you should stay tuned, we got some ideas in the works that just might make PAX ’09s button trading game more EPIC than ’08s.  We will not let you down.

Last Modified: September 8th, 2008

Updates with PureButtons!

I just thought I’d let everyone know that we are now a 7 day a week operation. Production runs 7 days a week while our customer service is available from 8:30AM-4:30PM est. Monday – Friday.

We’ve seen huge growth this year and we couldn’t have done it without you.

I also wanted to share that this week I hired on an additional (6) new production employees to the PureButtons staff.

PureButtons Staff

Last Modified: September 6th, 2008

PureButtons, a green button company

Going Green

It is every company’s responsibility to be as responsible as possible when it comes to the environment. Here at Pure Buttons, we take that responsibility very seriously. Our shop, uses high efficiency bulbs, they use about 1/10th of the power our other bulbs used and they last 4 times longer. Our button paper is 20% post consumer recycled and is acid free. Our button packaging cards are 30% post consumer recycled. The material that we use to top our buttons is more environmentally friendly and it looks better.

Better buttons for a better world.

Last Modified: August 4th, 2008

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